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Elk jaar bekronen de organisatoren Unizo en Markant VZW inspirerend ondernemerschap van gedreven vrouwen met de 
WOMED – WOMen in Enterprise & Development- Award.

And we have one of those.  Our co-manager Marie Callens is a finalist for the WOMED Award 2021, Female Entrepreneur of the Year.  

Samen met Pieter Buyck besloot Marie Callens 5 jaar geleden de sprong naar een eigen zaak te wagen.  
Floorify innoveerde in 2016 als eerste in Europa met rigide vinyl vloeren met kliksysteem. 

Marie believes it is important to continue to innovate in the product area, to continuously optimise the service to her customers through local warehousing, digital unburdening and a strong customer care team. She also strongly believes in combining a digital strategy with a personal approach through innovative shop concepts. Her ambition is to become the reference in rigid vinyl flooring in Europe with Floorify.

"With my participation, I want to encourage other female talents to take the plunge and start their own business. It is never a good time to start, but once you have made the jump, opportunities come your way. Then it is a matter of keeping focus and knowing very clearly what you do and do not stand for."
